Call me to talk about your evictions needs
If this is your first time here, please give me a call if you need any assistance or have questions regarding an eviction. My name is Ping and my number is (702)812-4500.
If we've talked before or if you've been a client, please take a look at the links below for the eviction forms that you'll need to send me. Thank you!
Our Pricing Packages
I do my pricing by ala carte. So, depending on how the eviction case goes, your costs may vary drastically. Below are examples of what an eviction may cost you. Some cases end with sending a notice. Other cases involve sending a notice plus filing an eviction. The most expensive cases involve all three - sending a notice, filing the eviction, and using the constable to lock out the tenant to changing the locks.
1Sending a Notice to the tenant is done for all of the notices are indicated earlier on this page. This is not an eviction; it is a notice to the tenant that a potential eviction may happen (either a failure to pay rent or some other reason). Cost for sending a notice increases when your property is further from the constable's office.
2Filing an eviction occurs when the tenant does not respond to the notice that was sent in #1. Therefore your total costs at this point will be the Send a Notice fee plus the Filing Eviction fee. Your costs will increase if you need me to attend a court appearance.
3If the constable is needed to lock your tenant out so that you can reclaim your property, then you'll need to pay the Lock Out fees. This cost is in addition to the costs from 1 and 2. The Lock Out fees can be reduced if you elect to the following on your own: Locksmith Meet and the Ct Appearance.